It’s been a week. Day 7 was a great day. A beautiful day, really. While Kiara is not yet awake, she has been responsive with her left side, squeezing our hands and moving her arm occasionally. I was with her when she was cleaned and, even in her comatose state, she was trying to help when they rolled her over and also grasping at the sheet and pulling it to cover herself up modestly. She opened her eyes sleepily at times to ‘ask’ for help when she needed her throat cleared or to look at us lazily while we spoke to her.
She is so beautiful. She is perfection to kiss and touch. She is still brave, helpful and shy.
God was vocal yesterday, too. He filled me with courage to let go of ‘fleshly’ life and cling with both hands to the life of the spirit. Romans 8 has come alive. Those who live by the impulses of the Holy Spirit are motivated to pursue spiritual realities.
The spirit life supercedes the flesh life. I love Kiara. Enough to release her into God’s plan. I am convinced that any suffering we endure is less than nothing compared to the magnitude of glory that is about to be unveiled within us.
From all corners of the world has come the message that Kiara is dancing with Jesus. One of her thirteen-year-old friends gave us a painting she did which depicts this. I do believe something is happening in the spirit. And I do believe the significance of it is worth the suffering we are all enduring.
Am I sure that Kiara will be okay? No. Despite people’s reassurances that Kiara will be just fine, there is no substance there to stand on. They are wishes and dreams and hopes without bedrock.
So, have I lost my faith? No. My faith remains where it has always been. That God has got a plan. Possibilities of different outcomes hit me in the gut throughout the day and night, but they will not knock me off my feet. We do not know the outcome. But we know a good God determines it.
The spirit life supercedes the flesh life. The invisible is more important than the visible. Kiara is in a significant, life-altering dance with Jesus. Who am I to cut in on the dance?
We will wait.

Thank you Richard, Jaci and Kiara! What incredible lessons you have taught me through this tremendous struggle and challenging time. Your faith and life and incredible strength as you lean on our Heavenly Dad has truely been an inspiration to me and so so many. Your words of wisdom and faith have been absolutely beautiful and giving God all the glory for each and every miracle He has performed during these past days. Seeing that picture of Kiara smiling as she lies in her hospital bed is just amazing and so, so beautiful...a precious child of God ! She truely is incredible and a precious gift from God! Sending lOTS of love to you all as we stand in prayer…
This Jenna girl is SO talented!! Wow!!
Caption for the art piece: " Saved by Grace
Wow. You truly inspired me. Your strength and your faith is unshakeable. We cannot know why this had to happen to beautiful Kiara but know this, through this circumstance people from the 4 corners of the world are standing in unity with you. And where there is unity God COMANDS a blessing. You are so right when you say that the spirit is more important than the flesh. For the spirit is from everlasting to everlasting while the flesh is for now. That painting is so beautiful. Imagine being in the arms of Jesus, dancing with our Creater, the joy, peace and beauty of it. I'm thankful for Isaiah 61 :3 For surely He will give you beauty for ashes…
Thank you for the privilege of journeying with you. Xxx
This road is hard but God remains the same through it all, He does not change . I love how you process and bring your reality to him and ask for His reality to trump what you are facing. You are a true believer ! Seems a weird thing to say because you are already so committed but it is easy to say “yes I believe I can walk a tight rope across two tall buildings” but believing has an entirely different meaning when I actually walk that tight rope. You are showing us what it looks like to actually “walk that rope” even though we know spiritually our footing is more firm like on a bedrock! Xxxx